Description of "Controlling a SKOS/RDF-XML file at the concept scheme level" service.

Files containing "skos:ConceptScheme" or "ConceptScheme" type "rdf:Description" are processed by this service.

Resource statistics:

A preliminary analysis of the resource is performed to determine:

List of checks carried out:

Check Description
CS-N Missing ConceptScheme element. The file contains neither a skos:ConceptScheme element nor a rdf:Description[rdf:type[@rdf:resource='']] element. The menu Insert a skos:ConceptScheme can be used to fix the problem.
CS-0 Missing concept scheme identifier (URI).
CS-1 Unauthorized attribute in ConceptScheme element. Only rdf:about attribute is authorized.
CS-2 Missing skos:hasTopConcept properties. Despite a great structuration of the resource ConceptScheme element lacks skos:hasTopConcept properties to list top-concepts . The menu "Insert hasTopConcept properties" can be used to fix the problem.
CS-3 Inconsistency at the level of the resource identifier (URI). The value of rdf:resource attribute in skos:inScheme element of a given concept is different from the resource identifier.
URI/IRI An URI/IRI contains an illegal character (white space, apostrophe, double quotation mark, left bracket, right bracket, new line, tab character).